Since 2008, EB5 Capital’s team has had the privilege to frequently interact with a diverse and accomplished set of investors from 65 countries who have all decided to make the United States their new home. Every so often, through our Investor Spotlight series, we enjoy taking the opportunity to feature some of our past clients and share their immigration experience with you. Each of these investors has graciously allowed us to share their story.

At the beginning of the year, before the COVID-19 outbreak unraveled in the Western Hemisphere, our CEO and Founder, Angel Brunner, and our Investor Relations Manager for Latin America, Andrea Devis Focke, spent a few days meeting with investors in Mexico City. One of the visits was with Mrs. Linda Ciklik, the mother of one of our investors.
Mrs. Linda Ciklik is a committed philanthropist who cares deeply about helping vulnerable women and promoting educational opportunities for children in difficult situations. During the time shared, Linda and Angel made a meaningful connection. She provided Angel and Andrea a tour around WIZO, a non-profit organization she has been deeply involved with for over 40 years. Linda vividly explained their mission, described her dedicated involvement, and how a network of over 350 active female volunteers across Mexico focus on improving the lives of their society’s most vulnerable women and children.
Founded in London in 1920 and in Mexico in 1940, WIZO is a non-profit organization that has chapters in over 50 countries and consultative statuses at the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). WIZO members create programs to support shelters for battered women and girls in distress, as well as childcare centers, schools, and services for the elderly.

Touched by Linda’s philanthropic work, Angel asked how EB5 Capital could support its mission. In recognition of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and women’s constitutional right to vote in the United States, EB5 Capital is making a donation to WIZO. Our support will help Linda’s effort in raising over $50,000 to purchase much-needed medical equipment that will go to a children’s hospital.
“Connecting and learning about our investors, like we did with Linda in Mexico, is what motivates us to keep going,” said Angel. “My team and I believe in being global citizens that look for ways to create meaningful connections, bridge stronger ties with the United States, and give back to our investors’ home societies.”

Linda shared some of her experiences with us:
Can you please share with us how WIZO became involved with the National Institute of Pediatrics (the children’s hospital), and its effort to fundraise for medical equipment?
WIZO is constantly looking for possibilities to help women and children in vulnerable situations. In our years of dedication to this mission, we have furnished 56 low-income schools in Mexico. Due to the pandemic and for obvious reasons, schools are closed, so our relief efforts had to go elsewhere. We had the opportunity to meet the president of the board of trustees of the National Institute of Pediatrics, who told us about the enormous needs of this center. We saw this as an extraordinary opportunity to continue supporting and that is why we decided to contribute to the INP since this hospital cares for children whose families do not have health insurance or any type of help.
How has your 40+ year involvement in WIZO shaped you? Can you share with us some of the most impactful programs that you were involved in and feel proud of?
My involvement with WIZO started with a group called Shalom, which means Peace or Well-Being. For the last 18 years, I have dedicated myself with a group of colleagues to provide self-esteem classes to heads of families who are part of the community of parents of the 50 low-income schools that WIZO has furnished in Mexico. I feel immensely proud to belong to the Jewish community in Mexico and to be part of a great international organization that focuses on providing opportunities to develop and grow as a woman. Being surrounded by women of all ages with the same purpose of helping has played a particularly important role in my life.
Linda, you have three daughters who are already mothers. One already lives in the United States and another is in the process through one of our EB-5 projects. As a woman who has focused on creating opportunities and helping others, what are some of the values that you would like your daughters to uphold and share with the next generation?
I have raised my daughters with very strong values. I have always wanted them to be independent women and to always put themselves in the other’s shoes and be willing to help. I am so proud of them! They are professional women with big hearts. I hope they convey to my granddaughters the great value of helping others.
We thank Linda for sharing her story and teaching us about the important work WIZO is doing around the world. If you are interested in contributing to WIZO’s Mexico chapter to help purchase medical equipment for children in Mexico, you can donate or we can make a direct connection to the organization for you.